I get that technology is an ever changing field. I get that phones can do some pretty dope shit like organize your chaotic life, allow you to do everything hands free, remind you of daily appointments etc., but have people forgotten that they still operate as a calling device?
Call me old fashioned but I love getting calls. I enjoy being up until the wee hours just talking about real world randomness and laughing at stuff that probably isn't that funny. It seems people simply use the call button when rushed or impatient. Why is that? Has technology advanced us so far that we cannot manage a slow spell?
Call me old fashioned but I love getting calls. I enjoy being up until the wee hours just talking about real world randomness and laughing at stuff that probably isn't that funny. It seems people simply use the call button when rushed or impatient. Why is that? Has technology advanced us so far that we cannot manage a slow spell?
Examples, someone will text me but if I do not answer in what they feel is an appropriate amount of time they will call, and in the start of the conversation will say "you didn't see my text?" -_- really?
It's the same for texts too. People will be on social media and TYPE text me or inbox me when you could've just done that instead of sending a comment or inbox message. We no longer know how to really interact with one another face to face or even voice to voice.
It's the same for texts too. People will be on social media and TYPE text me or inbox me when you could've just done that instead of sending a comment or inbox message. We no longer know how to really interact with one another face to face or even voice to voice.