Parma, Missouri elected it's first African American, female mayor. Tyrus Byrd, a Christian missionary and city clerk was sworn in Tuesday on April 14, 2015.
Byrd was born and raised in Parma and beat the imcumbent mayor Randall Ramsey. Ramsey had served the city of 740 people for 37 years.
After Byrd was sworn in, Five of the six officers quit immediately and three other city employees also vacated their positions. All individuals who resigned cited "safety concerns" as the cause of their resignation.
Byrd would not comment on the resigned officers until she collected more information. Byrd said her first order of business was to clean up the city.
Byrd was born and raised in Parma and beat the imcumbent mayor Randall Ramsey. Ramsey had served the city of 740 people for 37 years.
After Byrd was sworn in, Five of the six officers quit immediately and three other city employees also vacated their positions. All individuals who resigned cited "safety concerns" as the cause of their resignation.
Byrd would not comment on the resigned officers until she collected more information. Byrd said her first order of business was to clean up the city.
Written By: Lauren B. I @laurenbeal